Pakistan – Cardiovascular disease (CVD) kills 17.3 million people each year. Contrary to common belief, it is not just a man’s disease as half of all deaths occur in women, and children are vulnerable too. World Heart Federation partnered with Frédérique Constant to launch the Hearts of Children initiative. This campaign enabled the Pakistan Heart Foundation to raise funds that help support several life-changing projects targeting children. These projects include an exercise program for children, a multi-media campaign to inform people about rheumatic heart disease, a disease which is easily preventable but kills several thousands of children each year, and a new edition of the “School Health Book”.

“I’d like to thank Frédérique Constant for their generosity and support. The money raised from this event will help fund essential research which could create a better future for so many – from babies born with heart defects, to the millions of adults affected by heart disease.” Crystal Munroe, Special event Manager at the British Heart Foundation.